Lab4DX helps companies discover the most valuable business problems and supports them to create and build fit to purpose digital solutions.
We enable a tangible value impact in 3 months’ time-frame, accelerating and decluttering your processes through our proven digitalization methods by using design thinking and agile methods.
Your Goals
Identify tangible value opportunities and understand your customer needs. Grow change from inside out by adopting new methods, tools and behaviors. Keep up with digital solutions and know-how and accelerate time2value with consistent growth.
Our Approach
We enable your digital optimization journey by exploring the four dimensions of your business:
- DISCOVER the most valuable pain points
- Experiment and DEVELOP a digital prototype
- Accelerate with tailor made DIGITAL solutions
- DIFFERENTIATE from others by using our and later on your know-how
Your Value
Together we generate a business impact which ranges from efficiency and productivity improvements to cost avoidance and new revenue streams with a significant total net impact per year.
Digital transformation is the journey but you should not wait for years to get the great results!
Our Expertize
We are a Vienna based company with a small but experienced international team. From the telecommunication and technology fields over utilities, process and production industry to digital marketing, we have all played many different roles and led various teams, growing our expertise in IT, process management and business and data analytics. We have designed numerous personal and customer journeys, developed and tested various digital and IT solutions and enabled lots of engaging user experience. We were part of challenging projects and complex organizations. We bundled more than 50 years of our experience to support companies on their transformation journey. We do not offer a single specific solution or technology. We offer our expertise and experience enabling you to build the right digital solution for your most critical problems.