Digital Innovation Bootcamp in utility company
Yearly margin increase of 500.000 EUR due to enabling digital and real-time information of order status to our B2B customers
“At the end it was not only a matter of prestige to be a part of the project we had with Lab4DX. It was the only way to dive into certain problem areas, bring visibility of the value that could be unlocked and to get senior leadership sponsors. Not mentioning a great competence takeaway which I now use every day. Actually, this platform is now used to make our business do better through small and constant change all the time.”

Business pain points discovery in pharmacy
Production improvement with more than 1200 hours saving per year by automation of customer contract fulfillment process and reporting
“At some moment I was wondering if we are not talking too much and too long about specific pain points we have depicted. Only later I realized that it was the most important thing to do as only after checking all the details we were able to understand what value we can generate, what is the most important to be addressed and how efficient we can manage the IT business doing better through small and constant change all the time”

Agile change management & value creation in telco business
Time2market improved from 9 months to 12 weeks for MVP customer GoLive, including customer feedback and testing
“It was not an artificial agile change management but keeping the focus on agile discipline and value. The results were really amazing – we launched MVP of our new ICT product with our high valuable customers in 12 weeks. Previously it would take us at least 6 months having in mind our legacy environment and delivery approach.”